Yoga Store
Yoga and Pregnancy
Yoga excercises for pregnancy.
Yoga for Pregnancy, Labor & Birth
From the leading expert on prenatal yoga, Colette Crawford, R.N., a program designed to support women through pregnancy and ease labor and delivery. Uses breath awarenss and asana practice to strengthen the body, increase flexibility, decrease pain and discomfort, improve circulation and aid digestion. Crawford is an excellent prenatal instructor....this is a well-rounded program for pregnant women ...in their first, second, or third trimester. Yoga Journal.(DVD) |
Healing Yoga Series: Volume-Healing Yoga for Pregnancy DVD
The Healing Yoga Series includes a wide range of DVDs for any need, including:
Healing Yoga for Athletes DVD Healing Yoga for Musicians DVD Healing Yoga for Children DVD Healing Yoga for Pregnancy DVD Healing Yoga for Managers DVD Healing Yoga for the New Mother DVD Healing Yoga for Seniors DVD Healing Yoga for Dancers DVD
Healing Yoga for Children DVD:Yoga offers multiple benefits for children, from helping them learn to calm difficult emotions to cultivating good breathing habits and healthy relationships to their bodies. This video is a valuable aid to making those benefits accessible to your child.(DVD)
Yoga is A philosophical as well as physical way of
life emphasizing harmony of body and mind.
What is Meditation:
Meditation is continuous contemplation or musing on
a subject or series of subjects.
What is Aromatherapy:
Aromatherapy is based on the use and blending of undiluted,
pure essential oils extracted from specific aromatic
plants in order to promote healing.
What is Reiki:
Reiki is a system of Enlightenment and a Hands on
Healing art developed in the early 1900's by Mikao
Usui in Japan.