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Books about Meditation
Meditation books to encourage relaxation and calm.

The Language of Letting Go (Hazelden Meditation Series)
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Indigo Dreams: Meditation and Relaxation Bedtime Stories for Children, Improve Sleep, Manage Stress and Anxiety
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Guided Meditations: For Developing Calmness, Awareness, and Love
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Mindfulness and Psychotherapy
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Meditations for Manifesting : Morning and Evening Meditations to Literally Create Your Heart's Desire
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Meditations (Modern Library Classics)
One measure, perhaps, of a book's worth, is its intergenerational pliancy: do new readers acquire it and interpret it afresh down through the ages? The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, translated and introduced by Gregory Hays, by that standard, is very worthwhile, indeed. Hays suggests that its most recent incarnation--as a self-help book--is not only valid, but may be close to the author's intent. The book, which Hays calls, fondly, a "haphazard set of notes," is indicative of the role of philosophy among the ancients in that it is "expected to provide a 'design for living.'" And it does, both aphoristically ("Think of yourself as dead. You have lived your life. Now take what's left and live it properly.") and rhetorically ("What is it in ourselves that we should prize?"). Whether these, and other entries ("Enough of this wretched, whining monkey life.") sound life-changing or like entries in a teenager's diary is up to the individual reader, as it should be. Hays's introduction, which sketches the life of Marcus Aurelius (emperor of Rome A.D. 161-180) as well as the basic tenets of stoicism, is accessible and jaunty. --H. O'Billovich

8 Minute Meditation: Quiet Your Mind. Change Your Life.
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The Miracle of Mindfulness
Miracle of Mindfulness is a sly commentary on the Anapanasati Sutra, the Sutra on Breath to Maintain Mindfulness. "Sly" because it doesn't read like a dry commentary at all. One of Thich Nhat Hanh's most popular books, Miracle of Mindfulness is about how to take hold of your consciousness and keep it alive to the present reality, whether eating a tangerine, playing with your children, or washing the dishes. A world-renowned Zen master, Nhat Hanh weaves practical instruction with anecdotes and other stories to show how the meditative mind can be achieved at all times and how it can help us all "reveal and heal." Nhat Hanh is a master at helping us find a calm refuge within ourselves and teaching us how to reach out from there to the rest of the world. --Brian Bruya

Mindfulness Meditation
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Yoga Nidra Meditation CD: Extreme Relaxation of Conscious Deep Sleep
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Insight Meditation: A Step-By-Step Course on How to Meditate
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Each Day a New Beginning : Daily Meditations for Women
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Health Journeys: A Guided Meditation for Healing Trauma (PTSD) (Health Journeys)
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Creative Visualization Meditations (New World Library Audio)
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Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy, 4th Ed.
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At Knit's End : Meditations for Women Who Knit Too Much
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More Language of Letting Go : 366 New Daily Meditations (Hazelden Meditation Series)
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As I Lay Dying: Meditations Upon Returning
Every night as we lay down to sleep we practice a form of death, according to Richard Neuhaus in As I Lay Dying. The rhythm of life and death is indeed as natural as the rhythm of waking and sleeping. But few of us know it as literally as does Neuhaus, who found himself drifting in and out of consciousness after a tumor ruptured his intestines and the subsequent botched surgery caused internal hemorrhaging. One night he was visited by two beings, which he calls angels, who assured him that "Everything is ready now." Dramatic as all this sounds, As I Lay Dying is not so much Neuhaus's near-death-experience tale as it is a Christian discussion of death from the vantage point of a Catholic priest who heard death knocking at his door.

This is not a feel-good book about the white light and smiling family members at the end of the tunnel. Relying on Scripture, Catholic doctrine, and the words of poets and famous writers, Neuhaus ponders questions such as: Can the soul live on, separate from the body? Is it possible to have death with dignity? How is it that we can be propelled into a tailspin of grief over one death, but be indifferent to the ethnic slaughter of millions in central Africa? Is there really life after death? Christians who are close to death, whether it be their own or that of a loved one, may find this a useful companion, if only for Neuhaus's willingness to shed light on our darkest fears while being brave enough to not know all the answers. --Gail Hudson

Guided Meditations for Stress Reduction
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Couples Companion: Meditations & Exercises for Getting the Love You Want : A Workbook for Couples
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The Gospel According To America: A Meditation On A God-Blessed, Christ-Haunted Idea
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Daily Meditations for Practicing The Course
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A Meditation for Relaxation & Wellness (Health Journeys)
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Healing After Loss: Daily Meditations For Working Through Grief
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A Meditation To Help with Anger and Forgiveness (Health Journeys)
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A Guided Tour of Rene Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy with Complete Translations of the Meditations by Ronald Rubin
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Meditation for Dummies
"To tell you the truth, you can learn the basics of meditation in five minutes," asserts Stephan Bodian, meditation instructor, psychotherapist, and former editor-in-chief of Yoga Journal. You can also study meditation for years, exploring its subtleties. Meditation for Dummies is a simple, clear introduction to the basics of meditation, including an overview of dozens of techniques, practices, and specific meditations, plus direction for going deeper. You get step-by-step instructions for a variety of meditations, including body position, mental concentration, where to put your attention, what to contemplate or notice, physical movements, and breathing. A nice touch is the recurring "traditional wisdom": ancient stories or anecdotes that make a point. This book is useful whether you want the nuts and bolts for getting started in the next minute or you want to dip your mind into different practices and philosophies. Nothing is too elementary to explain: "how to sit up straight--and live to tell about it," what to wear, dealing with fear and self-judgment, and what to do when you get "stuck." You also get plenty of information about the benefits and varieties of meditation. You're bound find and develop a practice that feels right for you. --Joan Price

Reason for Being: A Meditation on Ecclesiastes
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The Mystery of Marriage : Meditations on the Miracle
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Touchstones : A Book Of Daily Meditations For Men (Meditation Series)
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Insight Meditation: An In-Depth Correspondence Course
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Guided Mindfulness Meditation
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Yoga is A philosophical as well as physical way of life emphasizing harmony of body and mind.

What is Meditation:
Meditation is continuous contemplation or musing on a subject or series of subjects.



What is Aromatherapy:
Aromatherapy is based on the use and blending of undiluted, pure essential oils extracted from specific aromatic plants in order to promote healing.

What is Reiki:
Reiki is a system of Enlightenment and a Hands on Healing art developed in the early 1900's by Mikao Usui in Japan.


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