Separate Leg Stretching Yoga Pose
Kevin Pederson
is also known as the Standing Separate Leg Stretching
Pose. As the name suggests it is similar to its name
which stretches your legs and arms. It is one of those
enduring asanas that helps your heart and other parts
of your body. Stretching is very useful for the body.
A sense of right balance is created. It can be termed
as a step forward towards better health. It facilitates
the unison between the mind and soul. Your heart rate
becomes normal with this pose.An important asana for
a fit and fine body. It may be difficult at first.
This hitch can be defeated by doing it regularly.
A stiff body becomes very flexible by practising regularly.
It helps to improving your basic movements. There
is fresh supply of blood to the brain which helps
it to stimulate the brain for better functioning.
The posture helps, by toning your abdominal organs
to create a flexible body. A flexible body helps you
do this posture in a much better manner. If done properly
the benefits you reap will remain with you life long.
It is very important that you keep your legs straight
while performing the asana. The inhaling and exhaling
at the right time also creates a favorable impact
on your body. It is very good for clearing your mind
to get you out of depression. Many of the ailments
related to stomach can be bid adieu. Relieves constipation,
indigestion and acidity. It compresses the pancreas
which maintains your diabetes level. The asana assists
in reverting your age as your face glows by doing
this asana.
Sciatica is also prevented by building and strengthening
of the nerves. The sciatic nerves are stretched helping
you to recover faster. Your legs are stretched which
helps them to get into the proper shape. The legs
become much stronger after while doing this asana.
If you are having weight problems it can help in creating
a proper waist line. A good massage is provided to
your kidneys, digestive and reproductive system. It
is very good for avoiding brain problems such as aneurysms
and tumors. It is very good for your back too.
Warning: The reader of this article should exercise
all precautions before following any of the asanas
from this article and the site. To avoid any problems
while doing the asanas, it is advised that you consult
a doctor and a yoga instructor. The responsibility
lies solely with the reader and not with the site
or the writer.
the Author
Pederson manages number of sites on Yoga which gives
information on yoga asanas and how to make best use
of it. Dandayamana
Bibhaktapada Paschimottanasana Yoga Asana Benefits
helps in reverting your age and makes you look younger.