Aromatherapy Videos
Videos related to aromatherapy and homeopathic scents.
Aromatherapy With Valerie Ann Worwood
While this video may be titled Aromatherapy, it's as much about self-massage as it is about treating yourself with essential oils. Valerie Ann Worwood is an excellent guide to the benefits of aromatherapy--using scents to soothe and heal--for the whole family, and the sections on how to give yourself a massage are alone worth the price of this tape. Worwood begins with the mixing of oils. The video sleeve contains a guide to which oils work for specific desired results (for instance, lemon oil is good for the body and soul, for use as a sedative, and for increasing concentration), and she mixes a few concoctions to illustrate. She then moves on to first aid, healing cuts and burns, stimulating aching feet, and helping a young child fall asleep. Next is aromatherapy in beauty regimes. The face massage is soothing, and she claims it will help release tension, increase circulation, improve texture, and revitalize the face. Scents in baths and showers follow, and then the section on stress, tension, and self-massage. The self-massage is demonstrated slowly enough that it's easy to follow. Who needs a masseuse? With Worwood as a guide, you can calm the aching muscles of your shoulders, neck, arm, breasts, hip, back, and bottom all by your lonesome (note: there is a bit of nudity in the demonstration). She finishes the video with environmental perfuming--scenting your living space. Warning: after viewing this video you may go overboard on purchasing the oils. But at least you and your home will be pleasingly aromatized. --Jenny Brown |